Trendy w branży kosmetycznej 2021 i marketing kosmetyków Uncategorized Makeup i blog odwoławczy Poniedziałek ankiety, obj. 631

Makeup i blog odwoławczy Poniedziałek ankiety, obj. 631

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Doskonałe pytanie! Nie jest, w przeciwieństwie do jego nazwy, rzeczywistą ankietę, jak z małymi przyciskami klikających. To tylko lista pięciu o wiele mniej lub bardziej przypadkowych pytań, które publikowałem na tym blogu w każdy poniedziałek rano na lata czworokrotnie (od 2007). Uwielbiam czytać swoje odpowiedzi, a to pomaga mi wyjść na dobry początek. ?

1. nail tips: square, oval or pointed?

As of now? party oval, partly square.

I could never do pointed! Oh, my goodness no. They look cool, but I’d poke my eye out, guaranteed.

2. Hair dryer or air dry?

Air dry, just ’cause it’s easier, although I’m proficient with a hair dryer if need be.

3. Which of these braids can you do: french, fishtail, waterfall or dutch?

I can do all of them on myself, but on others…just fishtail.

4. would you rather have best wash-and-wear hair for the rest of your life or best brows and lashes for the rest of your life?

Gimme the wash-and-wear hair, please!

5. Rom-coms or thrillers?

Both, but I’m in the mood for a good thriller. I need some excitement!

6. A blush you wear a lot?

This one by Charlotte Tilbury. It’s been my go-to for a few months.

7. Flip-flops or high-tops?

High-tops, ATM.

8. When you get a gift card, do you spend it ideal away, or do you save it?

I save it…but I also misplace them from time to time. ? So I’m trying to get myself to use them immediately; otherwise, they tend to disappear underneath artwork, vouchers and bills under magnets on the fridge or sit in a drawer for months on end.

9. have you ever cried at work?

Girl, do you know me at all? ? Hells, yeah, I cry at work. I’m absolutely that person hiding and sniffling in that one stall in the bathroom.

10. Avocado or mushroom?

I’ll take the avocado, and I’ll put it in a smoothie. Mniam! ?

Twój przyjazny uzależniony od apelacji w sąsiedztwie,




Str.s. Oto pytania do kopiowania / wklejania z odpowiedziami w komentarzu. Wkrótce porozmawiaj z tobą.

1. nail tips: square, oval or pointed?
2. Hair dryer or air dry?
3. Which of these braids can you do: french, fishtail, waterfall or dutch?
4. would you rather have best wash-and-wear hair for the rest of your life or best brows and lashes for the rest of your life?
5. Rom-coms or thrillers?
6. A blush you wear a lot?
7. Flip-flops or high-tops?
8. When you get a gift card, do you spend it ideal away, or do you save it?
9. have you ever cried at work?
10. Avocado or mushroom?

P.P.S. Mam nadzieję, że do tej pory masz świetny dzień. ?


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